A place to share your own twizted journey with others. 

 absolutely hate the reason that I have a purpose but my twisted Journey is a work in progress and I'm working hard to keep making progress to help others. ~Tonya Crump

EF Twizted Journey

JC Twizted Journey

TC Twizted Journey

I told my story for the first time 5 years ago.. so much has happened and twizted my journey even more since then... 

Here is what I shared:

 I was born and raised in church I grew up knowing right from wrong. All of my family was involved with church. I remember going to church camp and that was where I gave my life to Christ. Reverend farnsley baptize me in the river when I was still young. My emotional issues started when I was young also I wasn't abused as a child but I was left alone abandoned and that followed me into adulthood. I had sexual things happen to me as a little girl that should have never happened . I was told those things were my fault. I started drinking around 13 just to be cool and fit in. Smoking my first joint at 15. Got pregnant the first time I had sex at 15. That was an embarrassment to my parents and I was placed in an unwed mother home and my son was placed for adoption. That was an embarrassment but yet I was allowed to go to Paris France the month after I had my son. I feel like that was just another way to get me out of their hair the abandonment thing. After having my son I was told I would never amount to anything so I worked my ass off and got through High School graduated in 1990. I tried acid in high school. I met my husband not too long after that he was abusive mentally physically verbally emotionally sexually but I married him and we had two kids together. After our children came what's when the trying new drugs came. My husband introduced me to cocaine which then led to crack. He was an addict and addicted to anything he could get his hands on. He did all sorts of pills and I felt like I needed to do what my husband was doing. Through my recovery and my drug classes I realized I'm a co-dependent with addictive tendencies. After we have been together approximately 8 years the drug you should still continued off and on but then one day we got a call from my brother in Kentucky. It was nothing for us to drive the four hours and pick up some weed and that was what I thought he was calling for. So we jump in the car make a 4 hour trip and as I'm sitting on my brother's floor he pulls out aluminum foil. Of course me I asked him what you don't have no papers or pipe then I realized it wasn't we were there for my first encounter with meth was at my brother's house. It was a new hi to both my husband and myself that continued for a couple years but the abuse finally got too much and I divorced my husband after 13 years. After my husband I had a boyfriend that was an alcoholic I helped him go to sober Solutions in Kentucky and how he got clean and sober I was clean and sober here but he left me behind. And then something happened to my daughter that really put me in a dark place and made me relive some of the things that happened to me when I was little and I turned back to drugs. The man I started dating after that was also a meth head. We were together for approximately 5 years the meth stopped but he was selling pot. One day because we needed money I took the pot to town, 8 months later he and I were both arrested. He received time in jail I received house arrest. I was never really happy with him so I moved on while he was in jail. I moved on to a man that was 8 years younger than me we were both on probation and we were both clean. About three years into the relationship we found hookah cleaner Crystal Clean it was a novelty powder that did not show up in a drug test and could be smoked like crack meth shut up snorted anyway you could find. I had my own tax ID number and it was legal for us to buy this for about a year if not longer we had a study supply of this. When the DEA shut this down and we could no longer get it my boyfriend at the time decided to turn to meth. That was the downfall if he and I life as I knew it but it was also a blessing in disguise. And 2013 we were pulled over and both arrested there was pot in the car and a gun in the console that I knew nothing about. I told him I would take the charge for him because he would be gone for a long time, this didn't set well with my family. I am a woman of my word and I gave my word that I would do this so I put my big girl panties on and went to prison 4 A two do one. My life changed October 27th 2013. The day after I left to do mouses time I found out I had to dealing charge hanging over my head. it wouldn't be for months that I realized who had set me up. My boyfriend's boyfriends sister and I truly believe my boyfriend and his mom set me up on a dealing methamphetamine charge. Mouse head abandon me during the time I was away for him not only did he abandon me he kept everything I owned and my dog. I did the time I was supposed to for Mouse's Gun charge I came home and did house arrest I was on probation I was clean and sober and was doing everything right. My lawyer told me to continue doing good and hopefully I would have house arrest on this new charge. during this time I rekindled a relationship with the man I truly loved for many years . The love we had was great and he we helped each other during this time . The middle to end of 2015 I became extremely sick with whooping cough I was misdiagnosed four times in Shelby County and finally Dusty and my mom took me to Greenfield where I was diagnosed. When finally starting to recuperate a little bit from whooping cough I became deathly ill with my diabetes. I have been going to court all this time over a charge from 2013. And January 2016 I was hospitalized for the first 4 days I didn't think I was coming home. a very very dear friend of mine his girlfriend and Dusty came to the hospital and Scott prayed over me. You could feel the Holy Spirit in my hospital room and that night as I lay in that bed I rededicated my life to Christ I prayed and I asked him to heal me and I asked him to forgive me. In the days that followed my pastor came a pastor from another church came and the pastor from the hospital came. all of these people could feel the holy spirit in my room. I was hospitalized for 7 days my body had been in Starvation mode and I came out completely insulin-dependent. during this time Dustin I went to church we were living right and I was taking it one day at a time. In February my court date was postponed for a month and in March the day before I went to court I found out I needed surgery. When I went to court I was expecting to go home and house arrest and instead I was given an 11-year sentence 7 executed one-year on house arrest 3 years on probation. 2 Days Later I was already in Rockville. I tried to push Dusty away but he told me he wanted to be there for me told me he loved me told me he would never leave me And it wouldn't let me push him away. Dusty's dad and stepmom came to see me every week while I was gone until Dad got very sick and then mom came. I was very close to Dusty dad as I was his caregiver before I went to prison. he passed away while I was gone and it was like losing my own father. My own son who is battling his own addiction was completely off the chain while I was gone. after a period of time Dusty to abandon me for a little girl his daughters age and again my belongings were kept some of my clothes were kept and my dog was kept. With almost a year-and-a-half and my sentence I was a lot of modification since being home on my modification my grandson's mommy passed away from drugs my son went off the deep end was in ICU for 4 days he's now incarcerated. and my modification I had to come to the Odyssey House and work a program where there is no program. I have been dealing with all of these issues for the last 4 years stone cold sober. through my higher power I have a very strong hold of my addiction and a very zenful outlook on life. I am happy with the woman I am today and I thank God for not only my blessings but also my struggles. Thank you for taking the time to read my story.

Tonya Crump



MS Twizted Journey

Myra 🧡


This is Myra Stephens. BTW lol I'm out of mins on my phone so I'm using my fiance's profile but anyways I just wanted to remember my best friend Deke Sierp who committed suicide 4yrs ago on my brother Uriah Lee Stevens birthday 3-20-2018, he was diagnosed with sever manic depression and PTSD along with a few other mental conditions from being over in Iraq he got medivac out cuz he got his leg blown off and they gave him an honorable discharge and a metal of honors shortly after deke made it home he had problems transitioning and adapting to his new lifestyle of having to be in a wheelchair and it all had taken its toll on him he started drinking bravely doin drugs just to be able to feel numb, deke never lead anyone on to belive the horrible thoughts that's been running through his mind. I was the last person he talked to 30 m8ns before he shot himself and I was the very last person he posted on Facebook.. My world crashed at my feet I was so lost and confused and mad cause he broke his promise to me by telling me that he would he would never leave me behind.. I miss him so much

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